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My name is Sophie, and I am a married Mum of 2. I joined TikTok at the end of April 2023 with the hope of; 1) sharing my beautiful red lorikeet Flame with people and 2) raising awareness of a neurological condition called IIH (Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension), that I, and many others, suffer. It translates as high pressure in the skull, with no known cause. Basically, my body produces too much cerebral spinal fluid, which then causes pressure in my head. This illness causes so, so many debilitating side effects. It feels like there is a wrecking ball in your head (worse than any migrane). You feel like your eyes are throbbing out of their sockets. The tinnitus, constantly ringing in your ears. When the pressure gets too high, and you start feeling dizzy, you are clumsy and you have no coordination. The list is endless. And the best part? There is no cure. My journey with it personally has been 2 and a half years long so far. I have reacted to all the medication, and I have had multiple lumbar punctures in that time to just try to release the pressure. Just to get some temporary relief. They call it a "therapeutic lumbar puncture." I'm now on waiting lists to talk about botox injections into my skull, and also to see if I am a candidate for stent surgery. These are still very new procedures for IIH Warriors, so, for the opinion on the stent surgery? It is so specialist, it can only be done in London or Cambridge. Therefore, I would like to raise awareness and money for, as IIH Warriors all across the UK (and Worldwide) just HOPE for a cure. It is the one thing we hold on to - HOPE 💙💚 I can't wait to see who is going to be ticking off their F.i.T. List with me ❤️

@redloriflame's Current Prize Draws

In support of IIH - Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension UK


with @redloriflame

** Dartmoor Zoo Meet the Tiger Animal Encounter Plymouth | Plymouth, Devon
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